Closeness of God

Sometimes God seems really far away. I feel kind of like the little boy in the famous picture…..staring up at the moon. I imagine that he’s wondering what God is doing way up there billions of miles away…and how alone and forgotten he must feel in his lonely spot on planet earth. Last night I was reminded of the things in my spirit, the Holy Spirit that somehow has miraculously set up house in me. I was reflecting on when I give him room, He just bursts forth expressing all the passion and love and intensity that only the living God could have.

It was Tuesday night when my spiritual community gathers. We take turns where to meet and last night once again we were gathered in Ingrid’s cozy living room. Everyone knows that dinner first in the Hilton’s house means that we leave the table full and very satisfied. We all love it when it’s Ingrid’s turn, because the creations and love that come out of her kitchen tell us how special we are and intensely loved. It’s like coming home.

That’s how God is…coming home. He’s big and I get to be small, but so loved and so important. I forget…continually…how close God is. Last night I was invited to worship this King who seems to sit on a throne a billion miles away, yet He calls me daughter, child of his. What Father doesn’t want to be with his child? I’m sure some can’t; but this God Father can and does and passionately wants to be with me. I sat and worshipped and then in time of quiet, picked up my pen and began to write. It’s there sometimes He speaks, words flowing rapidly from his heart to mine. Often reassuring, sometimes instructing, consistently speaking how much He loves me. He does not withhold, He speaks. I can hear. The Lord is my Shepherd and I’m reminded that his sheep hear and know and recognize his voice.

Then we prayed, two by two’s. And, God spoke to me again, by His Spirit living and being and using one child to reassure another…comforting, forgiving, loving.  This gift of the Holy Spirit is intriguing…calling on Him to move and speak and give freedom to. It’s He who loves the unlovely using me who cannot do it on my own. It’s He who knows and helps me sense a stranger’s pain or loss or loneliness and tells me what to do to show there’s even love for them. God is close, so very close. I can do nothing apart from Him. I can barely make it from open morning eyes to standing without the confidence and hope in Him to do for me what I cannot do alone. He’s here, the Holy Spirit is full within. If I come, I find Him standing, waiting quietly, patiently, ready to speak…if I listen.

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